Climate Jobs PDX

Climate Jobs PDX

Climate Jobs PDX

Climate Jobs PDX was started by Jobs with Justice activists who were concerned about climate change, the lack of living wage jobs and the tension between labor and environmentalists.


Work with allies in the labor, environmental, economic and social justice movements to educate about and fight for the massive jobs program necessary to prevent more damage to our planet’s climate.


  • Spread the word about the climate crisis and the need for a massive 21st Century jobs program to unions and working people.
  • Educate environmental groups about the need to fight for a massive climate jobs program as well as to emphasize a just transition for workers.
  • Fight for local and state initiatives that will create climate jobs, e.g. statewide carbon tax, alternative energy programs, improved mass transit, weatherization programs and more.
  • Assist unions, religious congregations, and individuals in installing solar or in weatherizing their buildings